Meet Todd Deutsch


"I have learned how to tailor my approach to suite the needs of my clients, regardless of age or background. My goal as a life consultant and therapist is to find the method that will best work for my clients so that they can achieve their desired goal." 

-Todd Deutsch


Meet Complete Game Plan Founder, Todd Deutsch

Todd Deutsch is a licensed therapist, life consultant, educator, mentor & coach, former athlete and loving father & husband. 

Todd works with both adults and children struggling with a diversity of issues. What distinguishes Todd Deutsch from his peers is his unique "life and relational dynamics" approach to treatment. Todd focuses on each individual's coping and management skills in dealing with life transitions and relationships. Through identifying and exploring the issues that surface for each patient, Todd has shown proven success in helping his patients find happiness and fulfillment. 

Todd caters his approach to each individual; no program is exactly the same, as each client is different and has different needs. This approach has enabled Todd to achieve success with clients of all ages and experiences.

Fill Out the Contact Form to Set Up a Free Introductory Meeting with Todd Deutsch. 



Equipped for Luxury

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